I want to be personal as best I can with this post. If you really know me personally you know how faithful I am. This year has been hard on everyone - like no one honestly can’t say they haven’t been impacted by the economy in some shape or form. In my journal in May, I highlighted my notes. I wrote, “Can we be faithful during the hard or big times or just when things are good?” This stuck out to me so much because I feel like I’ve been in the thick of it. I truly started to feel things shift in the economy around June of 2022 but for some reason, April came crushing hard on me this year more so than other months. Probably because, if I’m being super vulnerable here with you, I spent a lot of my money I’ve saved over the years to invest in my second business starting a screen printing business and on top of that, April was the worst! So lots of tears were shed during April and May to just be very honest. But each single day, I looked for the blessing around me and celebrated those wins as they came. God grants us what we need and lots of grace. The last year and a half has been a lot of that. I had to make some really tough decisions that impacted my business to its core and solely went in faithfully, hoping that no one would notice but me. I truly feel that God has been doing some big time work on me and my business and basically, I need to step away and let him do the work. For fourteen years, (In October) day by day - month by month - year to year, I feel like I’ve been planting seeds all along the way. Sometimes we don’t slow down enough to just savor the growth or even watch things unfold. My motto years ago was to Don’t Stop Just Geaux, and the funny thing about that is, it’s just the willpower God continues to give me to keep on keeping on even when things are hard. I pray not only for my small business but for the local small businesses all around me.
Last six or so months came with a lot of stores we all may love closing their doors. Seeing some of them who have put in the exact same amount of time and effort as I have. It’s scary - heartbreaking - and yet God has a bigger purpose hopefully for them that they wouldn’t have ever believed but sometimes that doesn’t make seeing local businesses vanish right before our eyes. I wrote about Small Towns and Big Hearts last year about my small town in Minden, Louisiana and seeing the regrowth and revitalization is exciting but those old downtown buildings still leave a space of what was! I don’t know the future of Sweet Baton Rouge® but I do know, you guys rally and love our brand and I like to say, we have the best, top notch customers this girl could ever ask for!

What if I ask and receive? So what if we make it through these hard times, because that is what owning a business can truly look like. Riding the wave or rollercoaster but what a blessing it will be to share with others when we get to the other side. I asked God to surprise me on Saturday Morning, August 24th before Ultimate Tailgate kicked off. Boy did he! This is where we begin with HOPE!
I started planning Ultimate Tailgate in May, giving me three months to market. Half way through, I started to ask for cooler temps and no rain. I also asked friends and family, through Petey’s Prattle, and in various group settings. Last week's weather was unseasonably amazing in the mornings and there was a constant breeze that blew the rowe that we even had to hold our tents down a time or two. Last year if you recall was so hot and a mid day event is pretty scary to plan in the first place! We started with lots of goodness just with the weather. It wasn’t even noon yet, and I saw people hustling already checking people out. Being that this was our six year, and I truly felt like I gave it my all with marketing that I honestly stepped back a little after twelve and just took it all in. I honestly wanted to cry but I knew I had to keep the flow of the day alive! I felt scared in some odd way, which is normal that maybe people wouldn't come leading up to this day. Maybe people were busy with other things. It was college move-in weekend and bid weekend, to just name a few. But the Baton Rouge community showed up BIG for these incredible businesses. We had the biggest crowd we’ve ever seen and you guys came out to support us and gear up for gameday!
Our mission is to create a thriving local community right here in Louisiana either through our events, working with locals for our subscription box [Lagniappe Box] or shopping in store at our new home in Perkins Rowe. It truly was a site for my weepy eyes. Then you fast forward to the end of the day, I began to hear the outpouring of happiness from some of our vendors and the thank you text messages that followed. That led me to want to share their stories to give you a deeper look into why this event was so impactful for them and for me and why I believe as a small business, we have HOPE to keep on keeping on!

Knotted Lovely | Breanna Crosslin
There wasn’t much left from my booth, I went into this year's market after last year's Ultimate Tailgate with a goal in mind and y’all exceeded my goal by 1000, which means so much to me and my family.
I’m so appreciative for the opportunity to be a part of the Ultimate Tailgate 2024. I love the fact that it supports a collegiate scholarship for a student with either financial or scholastic challenges. My dad was the first in his family to attend college. He was actually heavily discouraged by his family to attend. He supported himself in college and continued his education and earned a Masters and PhD. He worked very hard to make sure his 5 children had the educational opportunities that he didn’t have. I am forever grateful for his perseverance and instilling in me a love for education.
As an artist and a small business owner, the day was incredibly rewarding. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting several new vendors and a steady stream of new customers. Sales were great, but honestly the best part was seeing and hearing the reactions to my art. The highlight was when a beautiful young woman stepped in and told me that she was walking by, saw my art and felt drawn in by the energy. That moment was very special. I do love to sell my art, but hearing about how my art makes someone feel is priceless. Can’t wait for 2025!
Hello GorJess | Jessica Rebstock
Saturday was a literal dream!! So much of my artwork ended up in the hands I prayed for. I pour so much prayer into my art. God truly puts messages on me as I pray and many times I write them down and somehow incorporate the paper into the piece.I had so many people walk under my tent and feel compelled to share their story with me. I prayed for divine appointments and the Ultimate Tailgate and God delivered! I was able to talk with people about Jesus and how he leads much, if not all, of my inspiration.
Honey Bee Baking Company | Kait Culy
My experience was so wonderful! The hard work put in by Meredith and her team really showed in the attendance of the event. I tripled the amount I made at last year's Ultimate Tailgate, and I exceeded my best selling pop up, 2023 White Light Night!! I met so many wonderful people that hadn’t known about me before, and it was just a really wonderful day overall. As a business owner in transition of taking the next step in leveling up my business, there’s a lot of nerves and uncertainty around whether you’re ready. Saturday made me realize that I have a lot of support in the community and it’ll all be just fine!
Brookes Sno World | Lynnotta Kennedy
Ultimate Tailgate was a great experience. We enjoyed serving everyone that came to buy a Sno-ball. We can’t wait for next year.
Allison Dillard Art | Allison Dillard
I really enjoyed seeing so many different people and getting positive feedback from them!!! When someone gets excited and loves your art it makes me feel like it is worth all the time and effort that went into making this project!
Mid City Bakery | Kimberly Fansler
Ultimate Tailgate was awesome! It was a success and there are no words for how much we appreciated the local support!
Creamline Essentials | Jessie Noakes
Getting to group with so many small businesses and meeting new customers was the highlight of this event for me. I met so many people not only excited for the LSU football season to start but people also passionate about supporting local small businesses. I truthfully can not wait till next year!
BLDG 5 Lemonade | Lauren, Brand Manager
We had an amazing time at the Ultimate Tailgate event! Tailgaters and foodies alike stopped by to sample our unique blends, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. It was a pleasure to see so many people savoring every sip and discovering new favorite flavors! Thank you to everyone who stopped by and made the day special. We can’t wait to share more refreshing moments with you!
Geaux Clear Bags | Elise Smith
Saturday was not only a success, but it was overwhelmingly fun to visit and meet so many new faces. Highlight of my day ~ I met two incoming freshmen roommates from Virgina. They were overjoyed with excitement and were loving the event and the buzz that surrounded it!
Made to Paint | Ashtin McNicoll
When I describe the Ultimate Tailgate to people, I always describe it as a purple & gold version of White Light Night. No matter how hot it is, Baton Rouge shows up! It's awesome getting to see and meet so many people. Whether they're new to town for school or work, passing through while visiting family and friends, or people who have been here since birth -- they stop by and support small businesses.
Tippy Tap Cart | Alicia Wallace
We are so grateful for the opportunity, loved the event, and hope to come back next year.
As for the Jambalaya, “It was a great experience. The kindness and amazingly helpful support was over the top, from being greeted there for the1st time to the very end, I felt welcome. Meredith was the energizer bunny - strong throughout the entire day in her service to anyone who needed it. The atmosphere was wonderful, it really had a community feel that I think we all crave! The event was very well planned. I loved every second and would like a chance to try again next year for 1st place! "
Southern Sketch | Taylor Strong
As a vendor, Ultimate tailgate was a welcome breath of fresh fall air! I am not sure if it was the sugar rush that came from being positioned by the lemonade stand but from start to finish, I was smiling.
The vendors were all experts in their craft and I felt fortunate to be among them. I am so grateful they let me ask questions and I left inspired from time well spent amongst so many great creative minds.
Knotted & Linked | Jennifer Link
Knotted & Linked has mainly been a family and friends “business”. I have amazing people in my life that continue to support and purchase from us. But, there is a drive in me to take baby steps to go bigger. Last year, I saw the Ultimate Tailgate event and contemplated on signing up, but I wasn’t ready. I felt too small. What strangers would want to buy my jewelry? This year - I knew it was now or never! This is the first major event that I have ever done, and being scared of not selling anything was an understatement! I knew the event itself would have a great turnout because Meredith is amazing at what she does. I have followed along her journey and have seen it! So, at minimum, I felt good knowing that at least people would see the Knotted & Linked name…baby steps! lol. In my mind, I was convincing myself that just the exposure alone was going to be a success for us.
When I tell you that the Ultimate Tailgate event absolutely blew my family and I away! It was so much more than I could have ever expected. We were busy the entire time, and sold more jewelry than I imagined. The outpouring of love and support from the community who was there just filled my heart. I could not believe that people wanted what I was offering! Watching everyone laugh, shop, and enjoy their day made us smile. Seeing my little pieces of jewelry bring happiness and excitement to little girls’ faces was the absolute BEST feeling ever! It made all the time, work, and [major] nerves worth it!
Self doubt has started to slip away.
So, was the Sweet Baton Rouge Ultimate Tailgate more than just a shopping experience on a Saturday? You better believe it was SO MUCH MORE! For me, it will forever be remembered as the first event that gave me the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and introduce Knotted & Linked to the Baton Rouge community. It proved for me that community is invaluable and extremely accepting! It was the event that allowed me to learn, release self-doubt, and truly believe in myself.
When it was all said and done, hearing the words, “Good job mommy, I am so proud of you!”, completely melted me. My 13 year old worked the entire event with me and witnessed it all. As a mom, this makes me so proud and validated.
So, Meredith, THANK YOU!
Thank you for accepting me as a vendor, and giving me a chance, even when I didn’t feel that I was anywhere near the level of your veteran vendors. Thank you for pouring yourself into your community. You are giving back in ways that are worth their weight in gold. Priceless really.

Thank you for supporting us for the Ultimate Tailgate! LOCAL is the acronym to our core values here at Sweet Baton Rouge® and community focus for other local businesses has always been a major footprint and our love for small business will always be the driving force behind Sweet Baton Rouge®. In the last two years when I began to trust God to do for me what I can not do for myself, I feel like everything is beginning to truly blossom, fall into place even as things feel hard! Thank you for allowing me to share my passions and love for this community of incredible business alike. Here’s to next year Ultimate Tailgate ‘25.
We are in the planning phase of something special! What I can tell you is, we will have a two week shopping experience November 11th-23rd with Louisiana small businesses in our store at Perkins Rowe alongside local workshops so you can deck the halls with Louisiana-Made Goods during the Sweet Baton Rouge Holiday Mercantile this Holiday Season. Stay tuned for more details!