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Recap on the 2019 LSU Football Season as National Champions

Recap on the 2019 LSU Football Season as National Champions

Who else is excited about the NFL Draft? I know we LSU fans are very excited to see where our LSU players end up! 

Mindy here (former employee of Sweet Baton Rouge) thought I’d recap on the 2019 football season because I attended almost every home game! My husband works for the team and I am blessed to be able to spend games alongside him! 

Since moving to Baton Rouge in August, I’ve experienced a whole new fan base in college football. I must say, LSU has a different breed of fans! 

I was able to experience my first LSU Football game with my husband and (now) Father-In-Law! My FIL drove from Auburn Alabama to spend the weekend with us, and to attend the game! We had a blast on the field for pre-game, in the staff room and up in the stands! What a whole new world! 

My husband was born and raised in Auburn, so he’s used to the SEC, but I, on the other hand, grew up in Oklahoma and attended Oklahoma State University. OSU football is very fun, upbeat and family-friendly. I truly don’t have a complaint about OSU football games, but I will say, now that I’ve experienced SEC games, there really is a difference! There are so many people and the noise level of the fans is indescribable!!

The first home game was against GA Southern. We won 55-3! Now that’s the way to start a season!

Here are some photos from the GA Southern game!

Game 2 (That I attended): Utah State. We won 42-6! That’s the way you do it!! 

This game was even a little more fun for me because I stayed on the field longer than the first game, while my husband captured some video for LSU’s social media! 

Here are a few photos from the game!

Mike – Right outside of the football operations building!


My husband, Forrest, waiting for the team to run out on the field!

Me and my man!

Game 3 (That I attended): Florida + Homecoming. We won 42-28!! We were loving the winning streak so far, after a total of 6 games! 

I remember this game being slightly more enjoyable! My husband and I were starting to get in a groove of what to do and where we needed to be during the games! The weather was also slightly (and I mean slightly) cooler! 


Cake seems to be a staple in the staff room, for the games!!


Game 4 (That I attended): Auburn. We won 23-20. This was a much closer game that had the whole stadium on the edge of their seats. I enjoyed this game so much because like I said earlier, my husband grew up in Auburn, attended Auburn for school and also worked for the team before working at Oklahoma State University, which has now led us here, to LSU! 

The first 3 years of our dating relationship, I had visited his family in Auburn and heard thousands of stories from my (now) husband about the games, but I’d never seen Auburn play in person until this game. I had a lot more emotions invested because it was a special, yet odd one for my husband to experience. 

My Father-In-Law drove from Auburn to watch this game with us and I’m so glad he did because that was the first game my husband had work obligations, so I wasn’t alone! 

My Father-In-Law and I took our time that morning. We enjoyed our drive to the game, grabbed a Starbucks and entertained ourselves by watching College Game Day on campus, listening to live music in front of the basketball arena, checking out the team store and chatting with other fans along the way. 

Me and my Father In Law

Game 5 (That I attended): Arkansas. We won 56-20!! Still geauxing strong!!! 

Forrest and I had a great time on the field, for the entire first half. It was a night game, cool weather, wore long sleeves and was loving life!

At half time, we enjoyed snacks in the staff room and after, we decided to try out the very top of the stadium!! I never thought our walk up the ramp would end, but thankfully it did! We had reached the VERY top and enjoyed the rest of the game from that view! 

Forrest and I in the operations building, before the game.


The Boot

Game 6 (That I attended): Texas A&M. We won 50-7! Wow!!

My Father-In-Law joined us for the game because he and my Mother-In-Law came to visit us, for Thanksgiving!! 

The end of this game was so cool! Joe Burrow walked over to the student section and gave his “thanks” for supporting him, all season long! 

My (now) husband and I were a little distracted during the SEC Championship game and the Peach Bowl. We were back in Missouri getting married!!!! Ya know, no big deal! 😉

We obviously won both of those games, which brought us to the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP, BABY!!! 

I was so pumped to go on the trip with my husband, other staff and of course, the team! 

We had an amazing send-off from fans who lined the streets in their cars, golf carts, and truck beds; holding banners, jumping up and down, while waving us “goodbye” and “good luck!”

It was so neat! 

When we arrived in New Orleans, the hotel was packed with a crowd of fans, a jazz band, and media! Later on, I found out that I was on TV during all of this craziness! 

My husband and I grabbed our luggage, got our room key and spotted our room! Very shortly after, we had a welcome dinner in one of the hotel ballrooms. There was wonderful food awaiting us, a jazz band, a caricature artist, a photo booth and beads; Lots of beads!!! We thoroughly enjoyed our first evening!! 

Police Escort to New Orleans


Cupcakes for the team and staff

Fun Caricature


The next day, we ventured off to find a local lunch spot and then spent most of the day at the World War II Museum! It was absolutely incredible!! If you have the chance to go… go! 

After the museum, we hung out where all of the staff and football players could go for food, drinks and ping pong! 

We had a fireworks show from our room window and passed out for the night!

Forrest and I enjoyed our next day. We did the tourist things. Walked the streets of Jackson Square, enjoyed the street art, participated in some magic acts, attempted beignets (attempted being the keyword), went into the Cathedral, and soaked up the culture! 

Now, the day we had waited for!!! Game day!!!

What an exciting day! Forrest and I enjoyed a lovely breakfast next door to our hotel, went back and got ready for the game, enjoyed the chaos of the hotel lobby, walked to the stadium hours before the game, enjoyed a “private to staff and family” buffet with all kinds of goodies, stood in line at the stadium, endured security checks, and finally made it to our seats… hours early!


Pregame was fantastic. The game was a roller coaster of emotions, as you all know! You were either there with me or watched it on TV!  

So nerve wracking, right? 

Well, as we know, WE WON! WE WON! WE WON! Holy cow!!! We had won the championship!!!!!! 

LSU is the 2020 National Champion

2020 was an amazing season for LSU Football!! These players worked so hard, defeated many opponents, practiced their hearts out, encouraged one another to the end, and it all paid off!! Congratulations on a beautiful season, guys! We, at Sweet Baton Rouge, cannot wait to see where your future takes you! Good luck in the draft! We’ll always be rooting for you!! 

I hope you enjoyed my inside story of the season! Thank you for reading!!

Stay safe and let us know where you think our players will get drafted!! 


Recap on the 2019 LSU Football Season as National Champions